May 07, 2020

By Garien Hudson

Embracing the change leads to new understanding

I am not generally a fan of folk rock music. I prefer jazz, soft R&B, or hip hop on occasion. But there is a song written by The Byrds titled “Turn! Turn! Turn!” that I enjoy and one that I believe has a message that is fitting for the time we are all experiencing.

The lyrics are taken from a biblical passage in Ecclesiastes (3:1 – 8) and contains a message that expresses how there are appropriate times for all things within our lives. Often referred to as “seasons,” we all experience – and have come to expect – these seasons of positive and negative in our own lives. So, the sentiment within this song provide the context for my message to you – embrace this season.

I know this is difficult. I know this is hard. I could not fathom being in high school finishing my junior or senior year under the current circumstances. Or maybe you are transferring schools, which can be difficult. But to transfer at a time when there are more questions than answers on most campuses only adds to an already stressful process.Uncertainty seems to dominate each day and this can sometimes become overwhelming. I encourage you to be mindful and aware so that you can stay healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally.

“Making the choice to embrace means that you don’t push through, just to get through. In life’s good and bad times, there are always things we can learn to become better people.”

So what’s the solution? How can anything ­good come out of such challenging circumstances? I think we have to do the hard work of understanding this season and then learn to embrace it. Sounds very simplistic, but I would encourage you to give it a try. Play the song, read the lyrics, identify your season – and then embrace it.

Making the choice to embrace means that you don’t push through, just to get through. In life’s good and bad times, there are always things we can learn to become better people. We learn, not only for ourselves, but for the impact and influence we can have on our family and friends. It is during the most challenging times, that we get the opportunity to learn new perspectives, adopt new attitudes, and practice new ways of doing things. So, in this season of great change, embrace it. Learn from it. Be changed in better ways. And in that process, you will almost certainly change others for good.

I hope this message provides comfort, and most importantly, I hope you remain safe and healthy during this difficult time. Know that our campus community has kept you all in our thoughts and prayers and we can’t wait to see you – even if that’s virtually – soon!

All the best to you,
GH Signature
Garien Hudson
Director of Admission